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Submitting a Bug Report - Bug Report
Edit Alarm - Bug Report - Android
Attaching image to bug report Crash - Bug report
Ring tone goes off in when in the button configuration screen - Bug Report
Updating Existing Alarms - Bug Report
Second Pavlok no longer Working - Bug Report
Pavlok Open in Background - Bug Report - Android
Two Icons Missing on SC3 Configure device button Screen - Bug Report
Device won’t turn on - Bug Report
Routine Reminder - Bug Report
Incorrect Sleep Data - Android+iOS Bug Report
Zero Volts when Sleep Tracked - Bug Report - Android
Mindfulness Prompts not working - Bug Report - Android - Fixed
Two Notification/Status Bars - Bug Report - Android
Configure Device Button - Bug Report - Android
Configure Device Buttons - Bug Report - iOS
Unable to turn off Alarm - Bug Report - iOS
Setting Times for Morning Routines - Bug Report
Alarms Turning Off Bug - Bug Report - iOS
Smart Alarm - Bug Report - iOS
Duplicate Alarms - Bug Report
Puzzle Alarm - Bug Report - iOS
Status Bar Hard to see - Bug Report - iOS
Shared Remote Video Broken Link - Bug Report
Is the Sleep Course Supposed to be locked on the Shock Clock 3? - Bug Report - iOS
Membership Broken Link - Bug Report - iOS
Snooze Slider - Bug Report - iOS
Slow To Scan QR Code - Bug Report - iOS
Gratitude App - Bug Report - iOS
Pavlok Challenge Screen - Bug Report - iOS
Beta app does not accept payments for unlocks - Bug Report - iOS
Habits course. Day 1. Audio works. Questions do not work - Bug Report - iOS
Have Pavlok 3, but Pavlok 3 apps locked - Bug Report - iOS