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Quick Remote
Deon Don avatar
Written by Deon Don
Updated over 5 months ago

Quick Remote

Device Status Screen

To Find Quick Remote:

Pavlok App --> Menu -->

Device Status --> Second Box -->

Click on Drop down Arrow on the Right to Expand Box

Quick Remote:

  1. For sending a (Quick) stimulus from a distance (Remotely) when the App's software icon buttons (on the left of the Slider Bars) are pressed.

  2. For testing the level of a Stimuli before saving to Device.

  3. For a Partner to send you a Zap, Beep, or Vibrate Stimuli Remotely.

  4. For changing the level of the Zap, Beep, or Vibrate Stimuli from 5% to 100% on the Hardware Buttons when you press "Save to Device".


There is one more way to find Quick Remote. Go to the Pavlok App in the Top Right click on the icon with a Lightning Bolt inside it to get the Device Status Screen.

Will my Boxing Coach be able to Zap me if I don't protect my head and bring my hands down? Is there a faster way for him to zap me without having to install an app?

​We've had a few Elite Athletes use the Pavlok 3 the way you are thinking of using it with your Shock Clock Max. Real time Pain Feedback from a Coach.

You cannot do this with the current software on Shock Clock Max It will be released in the coming months though.

There will always be a 500 ms delay even if you push the button which is the fastest way. If you do it from the app the delay would be even longer from 1000 to 5000 ms.

You can do this now with a Pavlok 3 from the app.
Thu. Mar. 7 2024 EST

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Hey there! This quick read was whipped up by yours truly, Deon Don, over at Pavlok Research.

Got questions or wanna suggest some cool features?

Shoot me a text at (731) 472-8565.

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