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Product Specifications
Deon Don avatar
Written by Deon Don
Updated over a month ago

Product Specs for Pavlok 3 and Shock Clock Max:

How many volts is the normal zap in the Pavlok 3 and Max?
How about with zap boost? Thanks


It’s on the order of 610V (though older ones are like 480V).
Boost is not higher. It gives a series of shocks instead of a single one.
Also note that 610V is just where 100% is (the upper limit).
0% is 136V and everything is scaled linearly in between.
Static electricity, which is the main risk, for electronics is typically 20,000V. The Pavlok is 610 Volts. ​

Only voltage is controlled.
The current (amperage) is controlled by the skin resistance and other factors.


Product Specs for Shock Clock 2 and Pavlok 2:

Zap Strength:

50 to 450 Volts (amperage 0-4.5mA).

(and if/when the higher-HV level is supported, it will be more like 0-5.6mA).


It is an 85 mA-hr single cell pack with internal safety circuit

Wristband Size:

The wristband wears remarkably like a watch. It is easily adjustable and fits wrists up to 140-205mm (or 5 1/2-9 inches) circumference.

Other stimuli:

Beep & Vibrate.


What is the range of the Shock 2 Amperage?

The technical specs list the zap strength as

"Zap Strength: 50 to 450 Volts (amperage 4mA).".

But if the voltage is variable, how can the amperage be constant?
What are the minimum and maximum amperage for the Shock 2?


The range is more likely to be 0-4.5mA (and if/when the higher-HV level is supported, it will be more like 0-5.6mA).


Hey there! This quick read was whipped up by yours truly, Deon Don, over at Pavlok Research.

Got questions or wanna suggest some cool features?

Shoot me a text at (731) 472-8565.

Don't sweat it if I don't hit you back right away – I'll definitely circle back to you after I've had a chance to check my messages.

And yes, I read every single one.

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