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Rent vs Buy Option for Pavlok Device? (Subscription)
Rent vs Buy Option for Pavlok Device? (Subscription)
Deon Don avatar
Written by Deon Don
Updated over 5 months ago

Hi Deon Don, I have a question about renting the Shock Clock 3.
Do you receive a brand new device, or is it used?

It's a Brand New Device



Subscription versus Purchase Benefits?

What are the differences between Subscription and buying it out right?

You can access all the features of the Shock Clock 3 device without needing a subscription but you are also given the option to upgrade your device to a Pavlok 3 with the advanced habit breaking features.

Got it, so the differences are purely software?



End Subscription?
​How do I Opt Out of the subscription?

You can Opt out anytime in two ways:

  1. Let Support know you want to Return the device and end the subscription from your Pavlok app under Menu-->Help--> “Contact our Support team”.

  2. Pay a one time "Keep My Device" Fee of $99USD. ​

Note: This is *not* a Rent-to-own Plan this is a Rent-For-Use Plan, your previous months of payment do not count towards the Purchase price.

Rental/Subscriptions/Memberships begin on the date of purchase. You will be billed monthly on the date of the first purchase.

If you don't want to Rent you can always buy it at



What is the Rental Option?

No risk, only results: You don't like it, you send it back!

Get Shock Clock 3 for $19 today.

After the first month, you can continue to pay $19 monthly to continue to rent it.


Make a one-off payment of $99 at any time to make it yours.


You decide it's not for you simply send it back to cancel.

We'll even cover the postage. (US & Canada only)

Note: This is *not* a Rent-to-own Plan this is a Rent-For-Use Plan, your previous months of payment do not count towards the Purchase price.

Thu. Apr. 25 2024 EST


How many months to pay off my device?

And also, may I ask if my friend wants to subscribe to the $19.00USD/per month order, how many months do they have to pay for the subscription ?

You pay $19/mth for as long as you have the device.

You can buy it out for $99 and cancel the subscription after the first month.

Wed. May 31 2023 13:23 EST



Hey there! This quick read was whipped up by yours truly, Deon Don, over at Pavlok Research.

Got questions or wanna suggest some cool features?

Shoot me a text at (731) 472-8565.

Don't sweat it if I don't hit you back right away – I'll definitely circle back to you after I've had a chance to check my messages.

And yes, I read every single one.

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