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Zap on SMS (or App Notification)- Feature Request
Zap on SMS (or App Notification)- Feature Request
Deon Don avatar
Written by Deon Don
Updated over a week ago




I put this in the review on Google but it would be nice if you could add a feature that would shock you at night for things like a ring camera and certain contacts. I am a hard sleeper and this watch wakes me up very quickly. that being said. recently the my area has had a few break INS and it would be nice if the notifications from my ring style cameras would wake me up. I also have a sister you had MS and seizures it would be nice if messages from certain contacts would wake me up as well.
June 14 2023

However, I do not realize when I am slumping. I know there are devices on the market which vibrate when your posture fails. However, the vibration doesn't have the same effect. Is there any way to tie the Pavlok into another such device, so it can issue a correction when one slumps? Or is there a way to program the Pavlok to be a posture-tracker and corrector?
May 26 2024

Hi! Is there any way to add notifications from other apps? This is the only thing I'm lacking with the 3rd generation. I'd wear it all the time if I would be able to turn on vibration notifications on the watch from other apps, like whenI receive a message for example.

Aug 15 2023

Hello, I am a firefighter and struggle to wake up through out the night for calls. Is it possible to program the pavlok to shock based on notifications from an app called active 911?
Dec 23 2022


Hey there! This quick read was whipped up by yours truly, Deon Don, over at Pavlok Research.

Got questions or wanna suggest some cool features?

Shoot me a text at (731) 472-8565.

Don't sweat it if I don't hit you back right away – I'll definitely circle back to you after I've had a chance to check my messages.

And yes, I read every single one.

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