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Eye-Tracking Feature to Combat Drowsy Driving - Feature request
Eye-Tracking Feature to Combat Drowsy Driving - Feature request

Feature Request

Deon Don avatar
Written by Deon Don
Updated over a week ago

User Story:

I was just thinking since cell phones do such a good job tracking your eyes nowadays and if you’re attention is on/actually looking at your phone, there may be a pretty simple way to get this to work possibly.

I am on the road driving a lot late at night for work typically don’t have an issue with this until I’ve been driving on the same highway for a couple hours and a lot of other people have issues with this also and that is staying awake.

I’ve tried multiple other gimmick devices. They have available and can’t seem to find any that actually work helping to keep me awake. That’s when I thought of your watch that I wear.

The phone holder I use is already aimed towards my face and can tell when I’m looking because it is in my field of vision I feel like it would be pretty easy to somehow add feature to your app that connects to your cameras and can monitor if you’re eyes are open/awake.

And I get it you have to look around while driving to turn and stuff so it doesn’t have to be instantaneous or even set it on a time limit can be adjusted to the drivers preference, but will send a shock if it doesn’t detect your eyes for a certain amount of time. I think that would help save a lot of lives and give me comfort knowing I won’t be someone that causes a crash due to this.

Well, that’s about it pretty simple and straightforward. Just wanted to at least pass that on and somebody that can at least consider this receive this message.
I really appreciate your time and help. Hope the rest of your day goes well.



Design Team Thoughts:

For the driving thing, the expectation was that eventually that would be a dedicated kind of feature, that the user could enable (with SCMax only, I'm fairly sure).

Basically a way of asking for the device to begin monitoring activity in some fashion, on demand.

Unlikely if it would ever be capable of helping with driving, and the liability issues there would probably be a nightmare... both from the point of view of speed and reliability of the monitoring, and from the point of view of zapping a driver with a painful zap, possibly causing an accident.





Hey there! This quick read was whipped up by yours truly, Deon Don, over at Pavlok Research.

Got questions or wanna suggest some cool features?

Shoot me a text at (731) 472-8565.

Don't sweat it if I don't hit you back right away – I'll definitely circle back to you after I've had a chance to check my messages.

And yes, I read every single one.

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