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Sell Cars Better - Use Case - (47)
Sell Cars Better - Use Case - (47)
Deon Don avatar
Written by Deon Don
Updated over a week ago




Referral from coworker. 4 of us have them now and they have spoke great things on the product

Where do ya'll work

Fletcher-CDJR Joplin Mo

You guys are in Car Sales?

Yessir, Sales-manger got one first and it's spreading like a wild fire lol

Are you guys using it to wake up?

Yessir that is the main objective

I imagine Car Sales can be stressful.

Yea it is, but also rewarding. We call in Intropreneur because it's like an entrepreneur without all the bills.

I imagine all you guys are good at forming relationships and talking to ppl
you prolly stay up late or can't wind down
so you don't sleep much so you have trouble waking up
Is that about right or am I way off?

Correct, no personal time to get things done a lot of time. If I can correctly wake up then I can have time in the morning to get stuff done. It will be like a whole time zone opened up for me personally


Hey there! This quick read was whipped up by yours truly, Deon Don, over at Pavlok Research.

Got questions or wanna suggest some cool features?

Shoot me a text at (731) 472-8565.

Don't sweat it if I don't hit you back right away – I'll definitely circle back to you after I've had a chance to check my messages.

And yes, I read every single one.

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