Top Button 1
Press button 1 for the device to vibrate
Hold button 1 to turn all LED lights on (this can be useful in the dark)
Middle Button 2
Press Middle Button 2 to stops or snooze an active alarms
Bottom Button 3
Press Bottom Button 3 to hear a Chime.
Hold button 3 to play a Short Melody
Click on the Video Below to learn how to Customize your Buttons:
Hey there! This quick read was whipped up by yours truly, Deon Don, over at Pavlok Research.
Got questions or wanna suggest some cool features?
Shoot me a text at (731) 472-8565.
Don't sweat it if I don't hit you back right away β I'll definitely circle back to you after I've had a chance to check my messages.
And yes, I read every single one.